Vintage bronze-toned replica of Michaelangelos Moses seated - Dimensions : 16 5/8" high , 6 1/8" wide , 6 1/8" deep with a base measurement of 7" X 7" X 3/4" Material is heavy resin with a base white spider veined grey marble base. The original of this famous Michaelangelos work is located today in the church of San Pierre in Vincoli in Rome, Italy. This fairly large reproduction is done in a bronze toned finish while the original was executed in marble. This is a depiction of Moses seated holding the 2 tablets representing the 10 Commandments couched under his right arm and his right hand resting on their edge , his left arm and hand rest on his lap at his abdomen. He sports long flowing beard of curled locks , a mustache and is clad in robes and shod in sandals. This along with the 'David' and the 'Pieta' is Michaelangelos most renowned work. There are two 'horns' on Moses head , these are the result of a mistranslation of the Hebrew Bible into the Latin Vulgate Bible which Michaelangelos was familiar with and not a representation of Moses as a 'demon' as is commonly misconstrued . A great piece for anywhere - home or office.